All You Should Know About Acne

Acne is skin condition caused by the accumulation of dead cells and hair follicles becoming plugged with oil. Acne can cause pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads to appear on the shoulder, forehead, and face. Most people ignore this skin condition until it gets worse and destroys their facial look.

Acne can be persistent if not treated soonest. If you want a perfect face, it’s time to understand what’s acne and how to treat/or manage it.

What you should know about acne

What causes acne?

Acne is caused by:

  • Increased activities of the androgen hormone in your body
  • Bacterial infection on the skin dermis
  • Production of excess oil in the body
  • Dead skin cells and hair follicles clogging

What are the signs and symptoms of acne?

Acne can show the following signs depending on the level of effect on your skin:

  • Pus-filled lumps beneath your surface
  • Painful blackheads
  • Tender and smaller bumps, also known as papules
  • Pimples on the face
  • Whiteheads

Acne is a significant skin condition that most people with high-fat content in the body face. Reducing the amount of fat in the body can be another way of reducing the chances of developing acne on your body. Below are some risk factors of acne that everyone should beware of.

What are the risk factors of acne?

Your diet – what you eat plays a significant role in your health and physical appearance. Ideally, studies have proved that certain types of foods such as potato chips, bagels, and bread, increase the risk of developing acne. Following a strict diet can help in reducing the spread of acne on the body.

Medication – some types of medication drugs are known to produce acne as a side effect. Drugs containing testosterone, lithium, and corticosteroids can increase the risk of having severe acne on your body.

Body growth – when boys and girls reach puberty, their body begins to produce androgens that contribute to the enlarging of sebaceous glands. This increases the production of sebum, which is excreted by the skin.

Pregnancy and use of contraceptives – Studies have shown that the use of birth control hormones can cause hormonal imbalance and result in reduced amounts of androgen in the blood. This creates a perfect condition for acne to develop on the skin.

When are you likely to develop acne?

Acne can make you look “ugly.” To some people, it can be very irritating. So, when are you at risk of getting acne? Acne is most common in a teenager in their early adolescence. This is the time when they experience frequent hormonal changes that contribute to the production of more sebum. Some oil lotions can also increase the chances of developing acne.

If you want to reduce the chances of developing acne, then you must reduce the pressure on your skin. Avoid scrubbing your face with hard material when bathing.


If you have developed acne that spreads all over your face, then it is essential to see a skin specialist. A dermatologist will diagnose your condition and advice for the right medication to cure yourself forms this skin condition. The sudden appearance of acne in adults may indicate an underlying infection that requires immediate attention. You can also change your diet and avoid taking greasy foods if you want to be free from acne.

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